Olivia Haan 2018 | Travel For Teens Alumni Interview

July 2024 ยท 4 minute read
Olivia Haan 2018

Olivia Haan 2018Participated in 2018Adventure Travel | China

Olivia is a second-year student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls studying Biomedical and Neuroscience. She is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota and hopes to go to grad school there. Olivia enjoys being involved in student government on the sustainability committee and playing intramurals. She will travel any chance she has and continue to fill her passport! 

What inspired you to travel abroad? 

I have been abroad a few times now but I was very drawn to China based on its history and culture. I have been to Thailand before but wanted to explore more of Asia! 

Why did you choose Travel For Teens

I have been with TFT for three years and have loved every program I've been on. I have gone back to them because of their amazing itineraries and the opportunities they offer. 

What was your favorite part about China? 

I loved seeing all of the history of China. I was there for 17 days but could have easily stayed for longer. The pace of the trip was perfect and I was able to spend the right amount of time at each site visited. It was incredible to compare the old architecture in China to the brand new, modern design of architecture. 

What made your experience abroad extraordinary? 

What put the trip over the top for me was our interactions with locals. We were able to see the must-see sites like the Great Wall, but we also spent time in a park playing games with the locals. We learned how they play a game sort of like hackysack and joined them in an outdoor exercise-dance class. 

How did the local program staff support you throughout your program? 

Our counselors were outstanding and our local guides were the best. We had one guide who joined us for the whole trip and others who would travel with us when in different cities. Our counselors were also with us the entire time and were really fun to be around. 

Travel For Teens participants at the Great Wall of China

On top of the Great Wall of China!

What's one thing you wish you would have done differently during your time abroad? 

I regret that before and during my trip I did not learn more Mandarin. I tried to learn some on my own before the trip but did not retain a lot. During the trip, our main local guide would teach some basics to us but I did not learn it well enough to use it. One of my favorite parts of traveling is the language and if I ever go back I plan on learning much more than I did last summer. 

Describe what a typical day in your life abroad looked like. 

The days can include anything from traveling to sight-seeing all day. Most days had one site in the morning, and then we'd stop for lunch, go somewhere new in the afternoon, eat dinner, and relax or play games. The itinerary was well-paced and the days we had for traveling allowed plenty of relaxing time. 

What did you enjoy doing in your free time abroad? 

Most of our free time was spent at markets where we were able to haggle for souvenirs or cool items. The other free time we had was after dinner typically. This was time for us to relax and hang out. We got to bond and get to know the group better. 

What type of accommodation did you have? What did you like best about it? 

On this trip, we stayed in nice hotels that were in a great location. Most of them were right in the city in a cool area. 

What is one thing every future participant should know about your program before their program begins? 

This trip is long and I'd recommend it to those who have traveled outside of the country before. There is a large time change and a long flight but it is doable. 

Would you recommend Travel For Teens to others? Why? 

I would recommend this program for anyone who is interested in the history and culture of China. It is really a unique place to visit and the itinerary covers all of the main sites China is known for. 

What do you feel the biggest benefit of traveling abroad is? 

Traveling abroad gives people new perspectives and incredible experiences that will stay with you forever. 

Now that you're home, how has your time abroad impacted your life? 

This trip has given me friends and experiences that are unforgettable. I love telling people about the trip and the stories I have from China. 

What does meaningful travel mean to you? 

Meaningful travel means going on a trip where you are excited to learn and try new things. My favorite part about going somewhere is learning or trying new things, whether that is new foods or a new language. Meaningful travel is going out of your comfort zone to experience new things.
