Visitors center is 25 years old

August 2024 ยท 2 minute read

An overflow crowd attended the 25-year anniversary of the Independence Missouri Visitors Center recently, witnessing a program that included talks by a Church area authority and stake president; music from a 100-voice choir; and congratulations from the mayor of the city.

Elder Robert H. Parker, visitors center director, noted the overflow crowd was sitting and standing everywhere. "Although everyone couldn't see, they could hear and they could feel the spirit. It was wonderful," he commented.Patriotic and inspirational music was presented by local musicians, including the regional Heart of America Mormon Choir.

Pres. Kent C. Wood of the Independence Stake noted that for the past 25 years the visitors center has been an efficient but non-threatening way for Church members to introduce their friends to the gospel.

"When you walk in the door and see that large picture of the Savior, you know immediately that we are a Christ-centered church," he pointed out. Pres. Wood also noted that the center has been an asset to the community. The many firesides, musical presentations and special programs are open to and often attended by those who are not members of the Church.

A number of high-level representatives from other religions attended the program and expressed their enjoyment in being able to participate in the celebration. A proclamation issued by the mayor of Independence congratulating the center and acknowledging its contributions to the community was presented and read at his request.

Kay H. Christensen, area authority, reminded the audience that the visitors center is located just a few feet from the property dedicated by Joseph Smith in 1831 as the temple site in the land appointed to be the "center place" or City of Zion.

"Come and see the new changes at the visitors center," Elder Christensen said. "If you come with a sincere desire to feel the spirit, you will truly have a spiritual experience."

At the original dedication service May 31, 1971, President Spencer W. Kimball conducted, President N. Eldon Tanner offered the dedicatory prayer and President Joseph Fielding Smith spoke. Rain and tornado warnings threatened the proceedings, but following a prayer asking for the elements to be tempered, the clouds separated and no rain fell. Immediately following the benediction, an avalanche of rain drenched the participants.

At the 25-year anniversary, a pouring rain refused to stop. The warmth and light inside the visitors center, however, set the mood for the silver anniversary celebration of this historical and religious institution.
