General conference on Easter: What it means to Church members across the globe to hear messages abou

August 2024 · 15 minute read

Easter is always a tender time for Felicity M. Stevenson, a member of the Roodepoort Ward, Roodepoort South Africa Stake. 

Sixteen years ago, her husband passed away at Easter time. Since then, he’s always on her mind as the holiday rolls around. While the reminder can be challenging, Easter also provides the opportunity to ponder about the Savior and His Resurrection.

“If it weren’t for the Atonement I would not be seeing my loved ones on the other side of the veil one day,” Stevenson said. “I wouldn’t have the opportunity to live with my Father and my Savior again. It’s a sensitive time for me but still a time of assurance, comfort and strength that I know that my Savior lives.”

This year — in what Stevenson called “an added blessing” — members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will also have the opportunity to hear messages and counsel from Church leaders during the 191st Annual General Conference on Easter Sunday. 

“General Conference messages comfort me, they assure me, they bring to mind the love my Heavenly Father has for me and my family and the love of His Beloved Son and His Atonement,” she said.

Read more: From Zambia to Serbia to Jamaica, members share how they prepare for general conference

Latter-day Saints from across the globe shared their thoughts and feelings with the Church News about the sacred opportunity to listen to the Lord’s Prophets and Apostles on a day set aside to celebrate His Atonement and Resurrection. 

(Responses have been translated and edited for clarity and length.)

Listening to conference on Easter

There is no better way to remember His sacrifice for us than following a conference that will honor Him during two days. — Lionel Occolier, Martinique Branch, Guadeloupe District

I consider it a great blessing to hear from special witnesses of Jesus Christ on an Easter day because I know that their teachings and testimony will strengthen my testimony that Jesus is the Christ, that he is resurrected. Thus, the way to strengthen my testimony of Jesus Christ is to continue to listen to those special witnesses that He has called, those who know Him, serve Him, and are directly guided by Him to help me return to my Heavenly Father. General conference is that opportunity to listen and hear from those special witnesses. — Sunee A. A. Rakotonindriana, Antananarivo Ward, Ivandry Madagascar Stake

Easter is a special day because we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in this is the fulfillment of the Atonement and that Jesus is Son of the living God. Listening to the messages of the general conference fortifies my understanding and increases my gratitude for my Savior’s atoning sacrifice. The messages are mostly reminders of what I feel in my heart and only gets stronger. — Matthew Chola Chishimba, Ndola Branch, Ndola Zambia District

When that happens, with general conference on Easter Sunday, it naturally includes even more talks and deeper understanding of the Savior’s Atonement, which makes it extra special. — Elder Torben Engbjerg, Gladsaxe 2nd Ward, Copenhagen Denmark Stake

I like to consider the conference as His gift to us, and I pay attention to every talk that is given, as if they were all 10- to 20-minute precious gifts. —Maxime Lagin, Cayenne Branch, Guadeloupe District

It always has been a sacred experience for me, to be “sitting at the feet” of the apostles of the Lord and listen to them. I know that they indeed are His special witnesses. … I can [feel] the power of their testimony about the Savior and be nourished by it. — Anastasia Kocheva, Zaporizhzhia Branch, Kharkov Ukraine District

I love when conference coincides with Easter. Thinking of how the followers of Christ gathered together for Passover all those years ago, the sorrow they felt when He was lifted on the cross, died and was buried. And then the unbelievable joy they must have felt when He rose again. Now we gather as His followers eagerly anticipating to hear the Lord speak again, through His prophets. — Hanne Beate Wennerberg, Moss Ward, Oslo Norway Stake

My testimony grows as I listen to, visualize and feel each of the important teachings and events of earthly life, including the timing of the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of my Savior and Master, Jesus Christ. I testify of this fact that Jesus is the Christ, and that we will hear His voice in general conference on April 4, 2021. — Rogo Agnie, Paopao Ward, Arue Tahiti Stake

Listening to living prophets share their testimony of Jesus Christ helps me to better comprehend the Savior’s mission. It has helped me emulate His example and find better ways to apply His teachings in my life. — Luis Arturo Zegarra Marcelo, Chorrillos Ward, Lima Peru Chorrillos Stake

Easter is such a special and beautiful time for me. I was baptized when I was 22 years old, at Easter time. I feel so uplifted and close to the Savior at conference. My peace and joy is full, and I feel that the light from the gospel goes out to all around me, also my nonmember family relatives. — Maja Haibrock, Gladsaxe 1st Ward, Copenhagen Denmark Stake

In every conference since I can remember, I received answers to my questions, to my personal, family and professional challenges. A phrase, a story, the feelings and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost helped me to overcome my affliction and strengthen my faith and testimony of the Restoration and of the Son of God and His Atonement. His power is real. — José Miguel Ribeiro, Mem Martins Branch, Oeiras Portugal Stake

General conference messages on Easter testify of the power and positive influence the Atonement of Jesus Christ has on all mankind. I am strengthened when I hear and learn of the Lord’s grace and loving mercy toward us. It makes me want to be better and do better — the messages lead me to reflect on my life. … They encourage me to improve my relationship with the Savior and to commit myself more fully to His gospel. — Tshepiso Nthatisi Mqadi, Boksburg Ward, Spring South Africa Stake

Being able to attend general conference and being able to listen to our authorities make my heart fill with joy. He testifies to me once again of the Savior’s love for each one of us, especially in these times of so many challenges in which we live. I know that I will be able to find peace through the messages. … It makes my testimony stronger. I have no doubt in my heart that He loves me because I see His hands every day in my life. — Yulimar Gonzalez, Enoc Ward, Maturín Venezuela Stake

Easter general conference talks are generally more focused on Christ and His efforts to help us return to our Heavenly Father together with our families. Listening about Jesus, stories related to His life and gospel principles explained through His words and those of His apostles, help us understand His love for us more daily. — Giacomo Armillei, Ladispoli Ward, Rome Italy West Stake

For me as a Christian, Easter is one of the great, important days to remember, even though we partake of the sacrament and renew covenants and remember our Savior’s sacrifice every week. Easter every year reminds me that a chance is given that should not be wasted as we all are trying to improve every day. In this conference I am looking forward to deepening my understanding of the sacrifice of our Savior. It will not only be another Easter day, but it would be a special day for us. We will be listening to our prophet on this special occasion. It will help me stand as a witness and also to testify of hearing the special messages from our leaders. — PrithiviRaj Jegannathan, Coimbatore 2nd Branch, Coimbatore India District

The message of the Atonement and personal repentance is the message all the world needs to hear. It is the center of my understanding what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. … I am so looking forward to remembering Him through the witnesses and testimonies of living prophets, on Easter morning. — Michael Auras, Landshut Ward, Munich Germany Stake

It helps me recognize and appreciate more the depth of the love that Jesus Christ has for each of us. — Craig Peihopa, Winston Hills Ward, Sydney Australia Baulkham Hills Stake

Listening to messages of conference on Easter helps me to strengthen my testimony of Jesus Christ by helping me to find better ways that I can improve to becoming more like Him. Most importantly, listening to conference during Easter is the best way to honor His atonement and hear Him. — Thoko Caitrin Mzunga, Zingwangwa Branch, Blantyre Malawi District

Listening to general conference especially during Easter … reminds me of the greatest love that has been shown to mankind through the atoning sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. It helps me to repent and pray to be better each day in preparation for the time that I will leave this earthly existence. It helps me to know that each day is an opportunity to do better, be better. It helps me know that the Savior understands me and knows how I feel during these times of trial in my life. — Womba Makuwa Nashiwaya, Windhoek Branch, Windhoek Namibia District

Each message provided in the conference helps me reaffirm how valuable I am to my Heavenly Father, how great is the love He has for me. Each message given I know that it has been prepared with love for each one of us, that is why it strengthens my testimony of how important we are as children of God. — Mirna Leonor Avila Ham, Guastatoya Branch, Motagua Guatemala District

When I listen to messages I feel the desire to be a true disciple of Christ. I feel like every message is inspired from God. The talks given remind me that Jesus Christ is aware of me and loves me, and because He loves me so much, He is going to share two days worth of messages tailored to my needs and what I need to hear to help strengthen my faith in Him and help me. — Ixchelle Waite, Ramstein 2nd Ward, Kaiserslautern Germany Stake

Knowing that Jesus Christ came into the world with the mission of making an atonement for all mankind fills us with gratitude and infinite love. The fact that Easter coincides with our general conference and this theme is emphasized, helps us reaffirm our testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and know that His sacrifice is valid for the whole world. In addition, it gives us the comfort and strength we need to know that we are not alone in this difficult time that we are living and that Jesus Christ understands what we are going through and that in due course He will provide the miracle we need. It is a testimony to the world that Jesus Christ is who we believe and trust. — Johny Candia Ovidio, Villa Moscu Ward, Cochabamba Bolivia Universidad Stake

My testimony of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is strengthened and I feel the love of Heavenly Father. My heart yearns to do all that I can to live a Christ-like life and please my Father in Heaven. — Linda Monica Masuku, Mabelreign Ward, Harare Zimbabwe Stake

Last year, President Russell M. Nelson comforted us about the times we are living in and he said, “I bless you with peace and increased faith in the Lord.” In another occasion he smiled and blessed us with optimism. President Nelson’s smile stood out in my mind. When challenges arose, I remembered President Nelson’s smile and words. I truly felt the love of the Savior. I am so grateful to know that the Savior Jesus Christ loves me, sustains me and He knows me better than I do. — Daise Hagy Matezo, Mananga Ward, Beira Mozambique Stake

Because of our Savior’s atonement we can return one day to His presence. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light of the world, and I know by letting God prevail in our lives we will conquer Satan and be blessed as we live righteously. I am more confident and strengthened to go out boldly and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I am not alone and that the Savior will always be my guide as I follow Him. — Sabrina Bidesi, Naulu Ward, Nausori Fiji Stake

Listening to general conference always strengthens my testimony of Jesus Christ, but watching it on Easter is a poignant reminder that this is Christ’s Church, that He lives, and that He is at the head of the Church. — Annina Sorensen, Ramstein 1st Ward, Kaiserslautern Germany Stake

Through the speeches I will strengthen my testimony about the Savior’s Atonement and remember more of this wonderful moment that the Lord gave His life for me. — Joaquim Mapenda, Mananga Ward, Beira Mozambique Stake

Listening to messages on Easter Sunday will help strengthen my testimony because it is a day that reminds us that He lives, that He is with us always and that He paid the price for my sins. Conference talks on that day will be His direct message to each one of us through our Prophet and chosen Church leaders. — Gilbert Cabada Martinez, Abu Dhabi 2nd Ward, Abu Dhabi Stake

It helps to think about how the messages from conference really come from the Savior as He has called our leaders as His mouthpiece. — Fiona Maile, Cloverdale Ward, Perth Southern River Stake Western Australia

Knowing that Jesus has overcome death and the suffering and the pain during His Atonement in the Garden of Gethsemane means everything to me. It means that I, too, am able to overcome the daily challenges I meet in my life. But this works only if I rely on Him. If I put my trust in Him. Leaders of the Church will be talking and testifying of Him. They are witnesses of His devoted life. He knows the way. They will tell us the way to take. — Pou Narii, Nuuroa Ward, Punaauia Tahiti Stake

Listening to the Lord’s special witnesses has always been a very important part of my life. My parents taught me to hearken unto the words of the prophets. I know that the prophets know Jesus Christ. They teach us what he wants us to know. My life has been blessed because I strive to follow the Savior‘s special witnesses. — Matthias Herber, Rosenheim Ward, Munich Germany Stake

Through the conferences, my faith is strengthened and my testimony of the Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ deepened. It is important for me to listen to them speak every six months because their voices, their love, their advice, help me:
1. To stay firm on the right path daily.
2. To be a great mother, a great wife and a better leader.
3. To remember that I am a daughter of our Heavenly Father, that He loves me and that I have a divine destiny. — Ahuura Parker, Orému Ward, Faaa Tahiti Takaroa Stake

General conference messages are always centered on Christ and turns me to Him. Listening to those messages on Easter Sunday will help me be reminded of what matters most. — Wye Qian Teh, Puchong Branch, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia District

All speakers [at general conference] testify of the truthfulness of the Church and express their belief in Jesus Christ as well as their desire to follow Him. Listening to the general conference speakers helps me get the feeling I get when I go to the temple, a sacred, special feeling of peace, strength, courage. — Galina Paseva, Plovdiv Branch, Bulgaria Central Eurasian Mission

Listening to general conference on Easter Sunday gives me hope and additional perspective. — Yuri Santos, Nova Vida Ward, Luanda Angola Stake

As people from around the world celebrate the Easter, I can join them and even do better by listening to the messages of general conference. Christ speaks through His servants and by listening to them, I can be closer to Jesus Christ. — Gianna Zia Buhain, Darasa Ward, Lipa Philippines Stake

I expect to feel the Holy Ghost on this special day. This will strengthen me and top up my personal oil lamp. — Kevin Beaumont, Hibiscus Ward, Auckland New Zealand Harbour Stake

The Easter atmosphere will remind me of the Savior’s love and sacrifice to all mankind. I will certainly be more thankful for the plan of salvation and commandments when listening to the general conference. — Belle Leung, Kwun Tong Ward, Hong Kong China Kowloon East Stake

April general conference is special to us because it usually coincides with Passover. Listening to seeing and revelatory prophets bear testimony of Jesus Christ further strengthens our personal testimony of the reality of Christ’s Atonement and His wonderful power. — Brother and Sister Essombo, Massa Ward, Brazzaville Republic of Congo Stake

Listening to the messages of general conference on Easter helps me become more focused on my Savior and firmer in my testimony because I know that on that day, the world recognizes that Christ lives and that He suffered for all of us. Listening to God’s words through His chosen leaders on this day is like a day well-spent in the temple. It re-energizes my spirit and my testimony grows stronger because I know He has reminders, instructions and answers for me, and the Spirit is always strong. — Claire G. Santoyo, Puerto Princesa 1st Ward, Puerto Princesa Philippines Stake

Easter weekend has always been special and the addition of general conference makes it even more special. As we think and ponder about [Jesus Christ and] the Atonement, we are also getting our testimonies strengthened by the messages of hope — even during this pandemic — that the brethren will deliver to us. — Hope Murombwi, Mabelreign Ward, Harare Zimbabwe Stake
