Pathfinder 1E - [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC | Page 26

July 2024 ยท 3 minute read
Nuko's acid dart strikes the skeleton, pock-marking the bones, but failing to do a significant amount of damage (hit for 1 dmg).

Thrindar holds forth his holy symbol and channels positive energy directed at the skeletons (both failed save, 5 dmg). They succumb to the divine power of Sarenrae as a bright energy flows over them, and they crumble into dust.

You are left to observe the remains of the scene. Where the skeletons once stood, there are two piles of dust. Even their rusty equipment seems to have disintegrated, suggesting it was somehow linked to their undead nature.

The vault is a 20-foot square stone structure that stands near the wall. Used to house the remains of previous caretakers, priests, and acolytes who served at the Cathedral, the stone door hangs ajar. The ground around the place is churned up as well. A search of the vault's interior turns up two things of interest. First, a discarded darkly-colored robe lies in a corner; it shows stitch marks where several patches once were. A detect magic spell reveals residual necromantic magic upon the robe, enough to determine that this was once a robe of bones. Second, and more disturbing, is the fact that the sarcophagus that contained Ezakien Tobyn's body has been opened and his remains stolen. (You may recall that Ezakien Tobyn was the town's previous high priest before he died in a fire that consumed the previous temple.)

Evret examines the churned-up ground around the vault and determines many of the footprints are goblin prints, but some of them appear to have been left by a larger humanoid.

Sheriff Hemlock investigates the scene along with you after the undead have been destroyed. "It was wise to bring you, cousins. Whomever the robbers might be, those guardians they left might have slain one or more of my guards. Again, you have my thanks. But I must ask that this matter be kept private for now. It is a small town and rumors will certainly begin flying, but if the people were to know that Father Tobyn's remains were taken, a panic might ensue. In the meantime, I will ask Naffer, the caretaker of the Boneyard, to re-seal the Vault until we know more, assuming you are satisfied with the investigation."

OOC:Combat over.

Scott DeWar, in the future, please feel free to act within the bounds of how you imagine the scene. As I have said before, I will usually give you the benefit of the doubt. We don't need to focus on minutiae of exact positioning for this campaign. It will speed things along if, rather than me answering questions about such things, you simply act on what you imagine. The narrative is more important than details.

I took the liberty of assuming a couple of things based on your characters' abilities and trained skills, namely casting detect magic and making Perception checks to look around. But there may be yet more to the scene if you care to make other checks.
